Home Cancer News Florida Family of Three ALL Battling Cancer at the Same Time

Florida Family of Three ALL Battling Cancer at the Same Time


As if having cancer wasn’t difficult enough, a family of 3 in Florida is battling cancer times THREE. Each one is fighting a different kind of cancer.

The Desclef family from Jacksonville, Florida are the owners and operators of the restaurant Magnificat Café. Their world changed five years ago when Kathy Desclef, wife of Benoit Desclef, was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The diagnosis was challenging for the family. But if that wasn’t enough, in August, Kathy’s husband Benoit was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. Two months later, Luke, their 17 year old son, was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

The family has to put the Magnificat Café on the market due to their struggling health.

Kathy said each of the family members has a different prognosis: “With Benoit, they’ve said roughly 12 years. With Luke, he has a very good prognosis if he responds to treatment and we’ll know how well he responds next week when they do a PET scan (positron emission tomography). For me, it’s hard to say because the variant I have is so rare they don’t have a lot of data on that.”

The Desclefs are asking for people to continue eating in their restaurant to help them stay in business. 

On November 30th, a fundraiser was created to help the, cover their. It has already raised over $59,000.  

In spite of everything, Kathy remains optimistic and is confident that her family will overcome this difficult time.


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