Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Tag: cancer causes

Scientists Believe Broken Hearts and Cancer Are Related

What does cancer have in common with a broken heart? Researchers are trying to find out. A new study...

Can We Blame Oral Sex for Rising Mouth Cancer Rates?

Nearly 13,500 American die each year from oral cancer. Drinking alcohol and smoking are known risk factors, but could oral sex be...

New Study May Link This Chipotle Menu Item to Cancer

Chipotle has been an incredibly popular addition to the fast-food restaurant scene over the past couple of years. Its wide selection of...

Recall Issued on Breast Implants Possibly Linked to Cancer

Allergan, a company that produces breast implants, just issued a full-scale recall of its Biocell textured implants that have been linked to cancer. A...

Will Your Broken Heart Cause You to Die of Cancer?

Bad news for people who are recently out of relationships: a new report from the American Heart Association says that people can suffer from...

A Sugary Drink Per Day Makes Cancer Want to Stay

Those who love sugary drinks have a new problem. A recent study connected drinking 100 milliliters of a sugary drink per day to a...

Is Oral Sex Causing HPV-Related Throat Cancer in Men?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is known to cause cervical cancer in women, but it can also cause mouth and throat cancer in men. Many men...

12 Ways You Can Decrease Your Cancer Risk

Although cancer is a powerful disease, there are many steps we can take to limit our lifetime risk of developing it. Scientists from Europe...

Bayer Facing 11,000 Lawsuits over Carcinogenic Weedkiller

After a new study published by the University of Washington recently showed that the herbicide "glyphosate" raises cancer risk by 41%, numerous people are suing Bayer...

These 4 Cancer-Causing Chemicals May Be Lurking in Your Home

The aftermath of the wildfires in California has left more than just ashes, dust, and homeless people. Local residents also face environmental hazards caused...